Single Sponsorship
Single Sponsorship
Concourse Banner 3x5
3 x 5 backstop concourse sign visible to fans sitting at game
Outfield Wall Sign 8x16
8 x 16 Most common outfield sign
Outfield Signage
Outfield sign stays on fence the entire season
Outfield signs are have gromets every two feet and are produced with on Digital Mesh or Gloss Vinyl
Custom Sizes are available
Signs can go on Outfield Wall and viewable areas for broadcast
Below are standard options
The best sponsorship offered. One patch for $200 and at the end of the season you as a sponsor get to keep your jersey.
You provide logo or patch and we will put it on jersey.
Team Jersey Patch Sponsor
You will sponsor one jersey with your patch sewn on.. At the end of the season you will get the jersey with your patch.
Team hat Logo Price Range ($750-$2500)
Be visible for every pitch when your team is batting. Helmet stickers will be placed visible on your teams helmet as a key sponsor of your Pecos League Team.
Sample here
Your Logo Here
Your Logo on all baseballs Price Range
There is no way to get your name in the game than to have your logo on the baseballs.
10 Dozen Rawlings FSR100P Flat Seem Baseballs with your logo
Full-grain leather cover for added durability * Raised seam for improved grip * Cushioned cork center * Standard windings * Core BondA adhesive . 8 weeks turnaround
Group Night for Kansas City Hormigas
Group Night for Kansas City Hormigas. 50 Tickets for Group Night
Kansas City Hormigas Broadcast Sponsor
Kansas City Hormigas games are streamed over the Internet via Meridix. We offer sponsorship ads during these broadcasts and entire season sponsors.
Get your business on the field literally with on Deck Sponsor. At the end of the season this vulcanized rubber item will go with you in your business.
Get your business logo on all team tickets, this includes season tickets, promo tickets and general admission tickets. Can't get in without a ticket. Everyone that has a ticket will see your logo.
The most popular item according to minor league history is the 'pocket sked'. The sked will be printed in full-color and will be collected and cherished by baseball fans all over. Your business name here will remind people of your business and your commitment to providing an enjoyable and wholesome family-oriented entertainment atmophsohere.
TICKET BACKS Price Range ($750-$2500)
Ideal for restaurants. The back of game ticket can be used as a free drink or appetizer promotion! One of the most ideal sponsorship ideas in the Pecos League. You can see dollar for dollar on your return immediately.
Available for 1/2 of games or all of games, available in all cities.
POCKET SCHEDULE (3 1/2" x 4 1/4") and SCHEDULE CARD (3 3/4" x 8 1/2")
The most popular item according to minor league history is the 'pocket sked'. The sked will be printed in full-color and will be collected and cherished by baseball fans all over. Your business name here will remind people of your business and your commitment to providing an enjoyable and wholesome family-oriented entertainment atmophsohere.
Your Logo on all bats... as part of being official team sponsor
Bases Sponsors
Get on the field and in the action like never before with your logo on the bases. From MLB to Pecos League there is no better way to have your logo in the game.
Your custom logo on the bases.